
Gathering Context

Part of not being a Digital Zombie requires you knowing how to think like one, or think like someone that might want to take advantage of a Digital Zombie. In order to do this, you are going to create a fake history - complete with a fake primary source and analysis. It should be believable - but fake. Your final report will be the presentation of your (fake) evidence as proof of an alternative interpretation to widely accepted historical events. (Check the description of the Final Report for details.)

In order to lie well, you need to have a good sense of what you are lying about, so think about a time in history you are familiar with, and think about how you might change common interpretations of it. You cannot change the outcome (so you can't undo the Lincoln assassination), but you can 'find' new evidence that might shed new light on the event, or on the Lincoln presidency as a whole.

Avoid conspiracy theories and alien stories - neither are believable.

Your assignment this week:

In 500 words or more, explain what aspect of history you are going to fake, the arguments you will overturn, and how you will change the way a particular part of history is written.

Submit and discuss the list of sources - primary, secondary or tertiary, that you have consulted to start building your final project.

You should have at least 3 secondary sources and 1 primary source for this assignment, but you can definitely have more.

(Hint: What The Brains Is A Primary Source?!)


Have Your Context? Start Building Your Evidence in Mission 8!