
Researching Outbreaks

Apart from stacks, libraries contain a lot of material online. Check out the UO Libraries How-To Guides (Links to an external site.) for an introduction.

Find a past disease outbreak by researching online for recent newspapers, social media, and journal coverage of events, issues, public health response. Choose from ebola, flu (swine flu of 2009 and flu pandemic of 1914), SARS, AIDS, the plague (Black Death), polio, or any other major historical disease outbreak.

Many books and other sources are not in your library physically, but they are available on the Web. Some resources were “born digital” (this means they’ve always existed in digital space).

(Hint: remember that friendly librarian from your last mission? Did you know that you can also chat with a librarian online, too? Try one of the "Chat/Ask Us" features -- you can do a live chat, email, call, or text!)

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